Friday, February 23, 2007

Bog, Blog Blog

Well, I figure the only way to get the picture of the blood to the bottom of the page is to put other blog posts and move it down. So here I am.
Not much new, I'm still in pain and now I'm having chills and last night, night sweats. Great.
But I refuse to get sick.
Tomorrow night I'm taking my sister to see "Wicked" at the Pantages Theater. I will make it. I will not cough all night. I will not bleed. I will not sweat. Got it?

Anything else? Hmmmm. Was supposed to take in my taxes today but I feel like crap and haven't got them put together so I had to call and cancel. That's the second time. Once the Friday I went to the hospital and now today. I've got to get my act together!

I did go and have lunch with my friend Darcie yesterday. We went to Chili's and had a nice time.
We can talk like there is no tomorrow. What do we talk about? Who the heck knows?

Mmmmm, the weather is cold? I like the rain.
My house is a mess.
I need to gain weight.
I need to get stuff ready for transplant.
I'm tired.

Ok, one blog down, maybe the blood picture will move down a bit!


Jeri said...

hello there, okay so I have read your blog. Are you getting lung tranplant?

Tell me what is going on love, I am praying for you every day.

Do you have any pictures of your mom and Dad? can you send me an email and attach them?

Carol, you are one of the strongest people I have ever known, and from your strength, I gain my own.
Love ya Jeri

Anonymous said...

Carol, you're a busy girl! I'd love to see what you could accomplish if you really felt good! I hope you enjoy "Wicked" tonight, cuz we're going to see it in May.
Have you got Darcie fixed up yet? She's a good friend to you. Do you want to go see "23" anytime soon? Wasn't sure how you were feeling, but it started Friday. No hurry on it.
I think you are a strong person having to fight with a weakened body for everything you are determined to do. And so far, as usual, you are winning the fight. You are the champ.
Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
I'm caught up now. I recently asked Kelly how you were doing and he said, "Have you seen the picture on the Blog?" Guys! What can you say? Reading the last several entries at once brought tears to my eyes. It's too much to go through, yet, you go through it...and through it...and through it. God's not done with you yet, Baby! I hope you got to see Wicked. Let us know how you liked it... in detail!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...


I pray for you eveyday. I can't make any decision for you but it looks like the transplant just keeps shoving itself in your face. I hope you got to see Wicked and that you are feeling alittle better.Let me know if I can help.

Love, Wendy (kelly's sister)