Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A perfect Christmas

This Christmas weekend was the best! I haven't had such great time around the holidays in years. I was surrounded by family and friends, great food and good times.

I got to start my weekend by having dinner with my cousin Kris from Oregon, her sweet husband David, their kids Trevor and Griffen and Kris's dad, who calls me his other daughter, Gale and his lovely wife Cheryl. Kris and the family were able to come to Calif for Christmas to take the kids to Knott's Berry Farm, Disneyland for a few days and Universal studios. So we met for dinner at the chicken place at Knott's. It was so great to see Kris. I always think of her as about 18 and when I see her she still looks 18, but is a great and loving mom. I had so much fun talking to her and getting to know Griffen. He is the cutest boy ever. I wanted to scoop him up and take him home! Trevor was at the far end of the table so I didn't get to talk to much to him, except in line. He has become shy, except when it is time to talk about Sneaky Pete. I think that's the name. It's a guy in jail at Knott's and Trevor wanted to break him out of jail but just couldn't do it. But he did win numerous stuffed animals which mom and grandpa and grandma loved carrying around!! I sure wish they all lived closer. I miss that part of my family.

But, on to the next day which was Christmas Eve. I got to start the day by having lunch with Michelle and Allen. They came down to spend some time with Pat and Cheryl for Christmas. We just went to lunch at Applebee's and exchanged gifts. It was very fun. Michelle's friends Chacho and Elaine were there too. Again with the eating! But I was glad to see her for Christmas this year. Since she's moved we haven't been able to be together at the holidays.

The annual Forester Christmas Eve party was at Lynn's. The hose looked beautiful and the food was great. Everyone came and I know Lynn was so happy. There was enough dessert to put someone diabetic in a coma! (Not me, I kept taking shots!)
She was surprised when people started showing up, as somehow she thought the party was at 7, and it was at 6. Good thing she was ready! I had so much fun talking to everyone and eating till I about popped. Patty, if you're reading this, Noel is waiting to become Leon!
I took my friend Becky with me to the party, since she had nothing to do. She was not amazed at the amount of people since she is one of a set of 9 siblings. I can just imagine how many are at their Christmas.

On Christmas day Kelly and I opened gifts here before going back to Lynn's and Denny's. Kelly got me the most beautiful earrings...diamond (Hearts on Fire) studs from our favorite store. They are so perfect, and white..they make my other diamond earrings and necklace look grey. I told Kelly he started it and now we have to start upgrading! I think he choked! He also got me a couple other things and I got him gift certificates since I'm computer illiterate and would have no idea what to get him. I did pick up Kelly Pickler's CD because he thinks she should have won American Idol. Who knew she sang country? He hasn't listened to it yet!

At Lynn's we had ham and I actually fixed all the sides. I even made yams, that's a first for me! I don't eat them so I've never tried to make them. All my clean boxes that my med's come in when they are delivered to my house were perfect to pack all the food containers. One for cold and one for hot. Guess it's a good thing I was on IV's last week! We did gifts there and I scored. I won't brag but I got the best gifts ever!!

Today we went to Frye's because Kelly can't let a certificate sit in his pocket for too long. The parking lot was a zoo. I don't think anyone went to work, they were all at Frye's!!!

The only sad note was that Kelly got me the most beautiful Christmas card. I just started crying my little eyes out. I so much hope we have 40 more years together because Kelly is the love of my life, my strength and my best friend. He said no more nice cards, from now on it's cartoon characters for me!

Now it's time to see if I can get to sleep early for a change. I think pruning roses should round out this perfect weekend. Hard work, it's good to do after all I ate! I wish Christmas was every other month. What fun would that be?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. I hope friends and family were near, hope was abundant, and peace was with you for this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
Glad to hear things went well for you during the holidays. Meaning no health surprises.
We had a "Keystone Kops" kind of day yesterday during our experience getting our family pictures taken. It was lots of fun and, after deciding to let the photographer be in charge of the situation, we're hoping the pictures turned out well!
May the New Year bring you better health news.
Cousin Merle