Monday, October 09, 2006

My weekend

I'm happy to say I had a very very nice weekend. I started it by having dinner with my cousin Darrell, his wife Hannah and their son Andrew and of course Kelly. I haven't seen my cousin for about 15 years I guess and have never met his wife and son. Andrew and I got along great, he's a cool kid. Hannah is so pretty and sweet, I guess she got all that Southern stuff being raised in Oklahoma. The weather was perfect, not to hot, not too cold, and the conversation was fun. They came to the house after for a while and Kelly regaled them with stories of Myth TV. Don't ask. He was very impressed that Hannah knew what he was talking about. When he talks to me my eyes glaze over and he can tell I'm thinking about, oh, dinner or a movie... sorry honey.

Saturday was Helen and Doug's wedding in Long Beach. It was very nice, the priest was great. Helen looked so beautiful, I guess it's a bride thing. Doug was looking very handsome himself.
The reception was in Orange at their friend's house. It was decorated so pretty, it could have been a show on HGTV. It was in the backyard and again the weather was just perfect. We didn't stay till it was dark, but I bet it would have looked wonderful then with all the lights and candles.
Michele, the maid of honor, has been a friend of mine since 3rd grade. She looked very beautiful, not much change since high school. Kelly and I had a great time talking to Michele and Jill and the people sitting at our table. The food was great and you know how I love food! They put little jars or pots of M&M's at each place setting so the next night I gave one to Andrew and it can't be opened! Everyone at our table tried it and it is impossible. I think Helen planned it this way and is laughing knowing no one can get their little gift open!

Sunday Kelly and I went looking at new homes. We found a bunch in Rancho in the foothills I guess. They started at a mere $850,000. It's ridiculous. Yes they were pretty and spacious, but my gosh, who buys those homes? Then we drove around Claremont and found an older home for sale. It was up in Clairavoya (sp?). It was a mere $767,000. But it at least had a beautiful view. I wonder how much fixing up it needs? So needless to say, we'll be staying here for a while, a long while!!!

Then we had dinner with the entire family, or most of the family, at Vinces. Andrew and I had fun flicking straw wrappers at the others. But I think I got him in trouble when he didn't quite know when to stop. Oops! Got to talk more with Darrell and Hannah. Kelly and I wish they lived here. We could move to Dallas if I never wanted to go outdoors during the humid season and what is that 9 out of 12 months? No thanks! After dinner, I needed a ride home as Kelly had left early so they took me, but we went to Starbucks first and it was nice to talk. Got to spend a little time with Vicki there too. Now they are off to the Grand Canyon and then Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival and then home. What a lot of driving! But I'm so glad they came.

Today the fun continued. I had lunch at my favorite place, Red Lobster, with two of my friends Cheryl and Susan. We haven't had lunch in a long time so it was great to catch up. They went to a movie, but I was so tired from the weekend, I came home. Did some errands and some chores then went to sleep. I think soon, I'll go back to sleep!

So that's my fun weekend! Tomorrow is off to the more fun! Back on the study drug, which while a pain is a good thing. The weather is getting cool and I love that! I might even pull out the Halloween decorations I feel so motivated after this weekend. Who needs stinkin therapy when you can just have fun instead?
(we missed you June) (you too Kofie)


Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, it was nice to read that you had such a wonderfull weekend. As you described it I saw the garden and the wedding in my mind. We only know that from movies. Here in Holland the weather is so unpredictable that no-one plans to decorate their garden like that.But I would have loved to see it and to be there. Try to keep on the positive road you are on at the moment.
Groetjes uit Holland, Riet mother of Yorick 12 years and CF.

Anonymous said...

That's cause you married a geek. Get him within 2 feet of someone who can spell HDTV and he gets a giggly inside. Gezzz
