Monday, October 23, 2006

Me and my big mouth

So, boring eh? Got the bill for the ambulance, they are not going to write it off (though I'll call BCBS again because they said they'd try to get them to write it off) to the tune of almost $500.
It seems they are not a PPO provider. Next time I'm about to die, I'll remember to go online first and find an in network provider. yea right. Blue Cross actually said that there are no PPO providers for ambulance in the state of Calif. So the ambulance wants to make lots of money, not just the pidley $750 my insurance already paid. Crazy.

Then for the first time I went on line to register my for my Shell card so I could pay on line. I have most of my other stuff on line but never did this credit card. Anyway, I get all registered, go on the part to make a payment and low and behold, it is almost $300 more than my statement that came in the mail said. So I looked at new activity and there are three charges in El Monte (you all know how often I go there) all on one day, each larger than the other. The final charge is an even $100.00 So of course I call customer service immediately. They said there was a red flag on my account already, and that she could see that it wasn't my normal pattern of purchases. She sent it to the fraud dept. but then tells me she can't pull it up so I need to fax what I have seen on line. Now wait a minute, she already said she could see it wasn't my normal purchase pattern, so how could she know that if she couldn't pull up those charges?
Then I had to force her to cancel my card...she actually had to go ask someone if she should. When I asked her what was going to happen, she said fraud should get back with me in 7 to 10 working days. I asked her if I would be responsible, and she said, "well usually when a card has been stolen or lost, the person doesn't have to pay. But since you still have your card, I don't know what will happen." As if I gave it to my friends and let them use it? And the fact that they have my number and she didn't want to cancel the card because it was still in my possession?
Yikes. I can already feel a fight coming on. I sure hope not. It would be nice to have things go easily for a change.

Kelly has to see the doc tomorrow. He has been having chest pains for a while now but neglected to tell me. They come and go, but it's making me nervous. When I called the doc today, they set the appt for Nov. then asked what it was for. When I told the receptionist, she was not going to let him wait. Good!!! So Kelly thinks it's stress. I hope so. But whatever it is, I hope they get to the bottom of it quickly and it gets taken care of.

Still no call from USC. I think they don't want me. I guess I'll wait a few more days then call them and see what's up. Hmmmmm. Other than other insurance issues I'm still working on from forever ago, I guess that's all. Only can handle so much at once! Ok, it's enough!

Joycie and Kim, I'll try to stick to boring, I like it better too!


Anonymous said...

I think when you are living with an illness like yours one should be exempt from things like vaccuuming uncer beds and dealing with ignorant customer service reps...but I don't write the rules. Darn it. I'm responding because you said you like the comments. I hope so. :)
Thinking of you,Cambria

Anonymous said...

As one of the librarians I work with is prone to saying ... "Holy freakers!!!" Yep, boring is so much better than all this excitement, isn' it??

Give Kelly our best wishes.

Have fun at the movies tomorrow and try to fahgeddaboudit.

Love always, Kim

Anonymous said...

Plffffff! What a wuss. I bet it is nothing more than a skeletal problem. My guess is because of his father dying from heart disease, they will want to run a bunch of test to make sure everything is ok. Man, a little chest pain and he cries like a big baby.....
