Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kelly and the doc

Things turned out well today for Kelly so far. They said by seeing the place in his chest that hurts, it's skeletal? I put a question mark because what does that mean? But at least it isn't his heart. They did an EKG while he was there and did find a slight anomaly. The doctor said normally with it being so small they would do nothing, but with his fathers history of heart disease they are going to do a chest x-ray, a stress echocardiogram and an upper GI test for his heart burn. It has been really bad for years. He takes protonix or nexium whichever our insurance decides to pay for at the time but still has some problems with it. When he told the doctor how much coffee he drank, she about flipped and told him to stop it! At least the upper GI is one where you drink crud then they do an xray or a CT or something. They wanted to do a down the throat tube thing a long time ago, but Kelly was having none of that!
So it looks like things are all ok but he has to start getting in shape. Number one fan, are you out there? Could you come and kick Kelly's tush for me?

As for me, I went to see Marie Antoinette today. I really liked the movie, but the ending. It was very anti climactic. I won't tell you what it is in case you go see it. My cousins Merle and Donna went also. We were all saying we'd never have made it in those times with baths once a month or so, and all the clothes they wore and the hair do's. Oh my gosh. I can't get ready in time now, I'd have never made it then. Of course she had 25 people helping her every day. How annoying!

But looking at Versi sure made me think about my trip to France to see my wonderful friend Joycie. It was so beautiful there and Joyce made it so fun since she already knew where everything was. I wish someone lived in Italy, I want to go there too. Anyone up for moving to Italy or France again, or hmmmm, anywhere exotic? If you do let me know and I'll come visit!

Tomorrow is the cousin lunch, so I've got to try to go to sleep early so I can get my tush out of bed on time. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

HAA! I called it! I called it! Winnner! or should I say "whiner"? HAHAHA! Wussy man!

Anonymous said...

Kelly was just trying to upstage you for a minute because you get all the attention. We're not having any of that... Enjoy your cousin lunch tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Carol and Kelly,
Sometimes we forget that Kelly lives under a great and unimaginable amount of stress, both jobwise and in his everyday fears and hopes for you, Carol. Kelly, you must take seriously your health problems and doctor's suggestions so you can be there when Carol needs you to BE THERE for emergencies and her everyday needs. So far, you've been her champion; she needs you more each day.
We, the rest of her family, can't thank you enough for loving her and making your life with her. So, take care of your own health needs as a favor to her and us.
Cousin Merle