Sunday, September 24, 2006

Home again

I'm home. Came home yesterday. I couldn't write on the blog on Thursday because it was down, but Thrusday about 2 am I had a fairly large bleed. I did my good girl thing and called the doctor the next day, actually Thrusday morning and look what it got me. A trip to the hospital, surgery, pain, lots of throwing up (that's a new one) and more pain. But I'm home and all is well. The surgeon said he's so sad that he keeps seeing me, that most people have a few of these over their life time, never anyone having 5 embolizations in 8 months. But he found an artery that was, I forget how he put it, but he used the word aneurysm, so I guess it's good I went. I'm on IV's for a while now but I didn't do any after I got out of the club or today because I need to find out what is making me throw up. Like down to bile...ohhh, pretty pea green. YUCK!! I haven't thrown up since I was a small kid. Well, I did in July after being on the vent but I don't remember so it doesn't count. I don't know if it was the pain meds or the IV's. I've been on both before with no problem, but the pain med, which comes in a patch, looked a lot larger than what I remember having before. Maybe it was too strong. And the IV's, every time on I'm one they ask if I need something for being nauseas, and I say no. Well, maybe my body is tired of it and now it makes me sick? Who knows. But I've had a banana, a carnation instant breakfast and a little bit of potato and everything is staying put. So toned I'll try one IV, then start the next tomorrow. I'm hurting but I don't want to take any pain medic like I had before. Lynn just brought me a lidocain patch so that might help. It is for just the spot that hurts, not the blood stream. This time it's my back instead of my chest.

So that's it for me. I have been sleeping most of the time, I can't stay awake. I guess it's part of the healing process. Up for 30 minutes, asleep for hours. Hope that continues into tonite, so I can sleep all night. I missed a friends wedding today, I'm so bummed. I missed the shower because I was sick. ERRRR. I hope I get to see picutres.

Well, great. I just found out my best friend's brother is in the hospital, just up the street. They don't know if it's his heart, kidney stones, gall bladder....I'm hoping it's kidney stones, that's way easier than the heart. I'm not supposed to go to the hospital becasue of my ex but if my friend's daughter needs me, I'll go any way. I don't really care.

So I guess I'll go shower just in case, yes, it's 6:45 and I haven't showered yet. No smart elick remarks!!!:) Bye


Anonymous said...

That's ok, I don't remember when I last showered! (LOL) :>)


Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
Glad to hear your doing okay. If you're better by Wednesday and you want to come, I'll pick you up for cousins' luncheon at Vince's and then here for dessert and back home again. Hope you're able to make it by then so rest up for the next few days. Let me know.
Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're home. Try to rest and heal.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are back at home and getting some rest. Hang in there. Hope to see you this weekend. Thinking about you often. Tell Kelly to give me a call re: his job search. I might be able to help :-).

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Miss Carol,
It is too late to phone you so I resort to blogging. I have missed you dearly and wished I was closer. Remember I am here when you need me to come.
I can see that you also need remiders to pace yourself, lest you develop a full schedule you shall also develop illness flare-up (Chronic Illness Rule #14). I'm glad you are home and well again. If you get mystery circus peanuts in the mail, they are from me...Have an abdominal ultrasound(if localized) or CT if you keep having nausea and vomiting (or try above circus peanuts) (tee-hee -don't tell your diabetic doctors!!)
So, wanting to know did Kelly get the job? Love to you both.

Cousin Kim