Thursday, May 25, 2006

Trying to improve

I read another blog of a person with CF. Her name is Debbie. She has gone many months without getting sick and is feeling so great. I wrote to her and ask her how she has done this.
This is what she wrote back. Debbie, I hope you don't mind that I publish this.

So how to explain the improvement.....well, about Jan 2-3, I was pretty freaked out.....knew I had to do what I could to stay in good mental health
I went to counseling
I read a lot of books
I asked for help, very hard to do as you know! But people came and cleaned my house, did errands for me, etc.
I began meditating and visualizing
I watched funny movies
I talked to people
i began taking some vitamin and fruit supplements
And I began walking. In Jan of 2005 I could only walk for 4 minutes including 1 break. I am now up to 24 minutes without stopping.
I did all my treatments, I took all my meds
I went and sat outside every day even in winter and only for a few minutes but it helped
I changed my pajamas everyday, and tried to shower every other day at least
I drank, and still do, a scandishake every night

So, thank you Debbie for these suggestions. Also thank you Bonnie (another person with CF) for your input. I will try to put some of this, if not all, into action. If anyone reads the comments on the last post I wrote, you can click on their name and read their blogs. Very great people.

I got a call from my nurse yesterday saying she needed to talk to me about my synergie study. That doesn't sound like good news. But she also said she wanted to talk to me about trying colymycin nebulized. That sounds like a good idea to me since I can't take Tobi. It would be on the off months of the study drug Aztreonam. The only problem is that I am allergic to Coly. Severe itching, like rip your skin off itching. Hopefully the nebulized coly will not be as strong in my blood stream and I'll be able to handle it.

So, I have to go now and do my breathing treatments, pills, shots, inhalers, and maybe even a vest. See, I am going to start now. After this I'll make Kelly's lunch, pick up the house and read a bit. So, me first. Oh, I need to go to the grocery store, shoot, it's 10:30. Darn it. See, ok, maybe after the store I'll do all this. YIkes.

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