Saturday, May 27, 2006

So much for improving

Well, I woke up this morning shivering. I was awake for quite a while before I could force my self to get out of bed because I was so cold. Kelly was up and in tee shirt and shorts so I knew it wasn't that cold. My temp was 100.8. I also was feeling very tight. Not congested but like there was a lot of inflammation. I kept my 02 on. I ate breakfast and by then was shivering so badly, I wasn't sure whether to call Kelly for a blanket or what. But I went in the bathroom, got the little heater and just sat there till I was warm. Finally I came out and just sat for a while. I have worn my 02 all day almost. I have felt bad all day. My hips, back, ribs, knee's and elbows hurt. Laying on my bed felt like laying on bricks. Kelly and I went out to eat and all was the same. Got home and my temp was back up. About 9pm, I had a small bleed and a temp. Of course at dinner we were saying it's been 5 weeks since I've bled. Us and our big mouths.

On top of this, Kelly is sad. A friend of his died yesterday while waiting for a liver transplant. He didn't tell me until today. My depression was lifting, but after today, I don't know. I think I'll just sleep all day tomorrow and forget it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cousin,

I'm hoping you're feeling better today than you were last night. I was so glad to read your previous entry, and all the suggested positive steps that you were contemplating. Today's news was not part of the plan, to be sure. Hang in there, dear one. Good thoughts are coming your way, and lots of love,too,
WA Kim (or is that "Waki"??! :o)