Tuesday, March 14, 2006

very angry

Tonite was a nice night I suppose. A night like most others. I made dinner before I left for school, saw Kelly for about 10 seconds the went to class. All was fine. Then I come home to a voice message that turned my stomach. It was from someone saying it was "in my best interest" to call immediately. I looked the phone number up on the net and it is a collections agency. I have been thru this for so long. I know what it is about, a bill from 2001. They didn't bill my insurance and then literally 2 years later complained to me about it. I have gone thur every sorce I can think of to get it taken care of. We had 100% coverage at that time, the easiest insurance ever. But they didn't bill and now want us to pay $4400. The last time I heard from them was in 11/04. I requested they write it off as it was their mistake. I never heard back from them. Now this, a collections call. This is all it can be. It makes me so angry. I don't have $4400, and shouldn't pay it any way. I paid my insurance and the mistake wasn't mine. I get so tired of fights with insurance. I fought to see a CFF specialist, it was denied, I fought to go to a hospital, I fight to get my meds. Right now fighting another collections that the biller says is all ok, but won't tell the collection agency. I am also fighting to get my diabetic supplies. They say they are no longer covered, but our insurance hasn't changed. But of course the person at my husbands work who is supposed to take care of these things hasn't gotten back to me since Feb. 3. I call, I write, what am I supposed to do. We live literally pay check to paycheck, I can't afford to buy these things. I get so tired of fighting. If everyone would just do what they are supposed to do life would be so much easier. But companies are too big, medical stuff is all about money, not health and people are just numbers. I'll call them tomorrow and find out how to do the dispute process again. No word for 16 months and now they turn me in to collections without so much as a word. I'm tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't a UNILAB bill during the same time period?