Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's all Kelly's Fault

Well, I've been doing ok, but not great. Feeling a little winded, but still going about my business. Then today on the phone Kelly asked me if I'd had any bleeds lately, since the 4 a couple weeks ago and the streaks last week. So I told him no I hadn't.
A little later he comes home, early from work ( he had to go to work at midnight tonite, he left about 11:30) anyway, he comes home and wouldn't you know it, I go to lay down for a little afternoon nap and here we go. I feel the gurgling. I run to the bathroom. It was only small but you know, it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't asked me that. I think he reminded my lungs about it. So he's not allowed to ask me any more!

I've got such a busy month coming up. I have 3 weddings, a shower, a 15th b-day party...this is sounding familiar, did I already complain about this? I've already missed a going away party (Allyson's) and a bridal shower (Nicky's) because of feeling like much more am I going to miss. I try to not be too tired, try to not need to sleep from running fevers, try not to bleed (darn you Kelly, hee e heee) but I don't know how I'll do this month. I even volunteered to have the cousin lunch at my house. Silly girl. But I can do it....I'm sure!

I have another dentist appt next week, I have two doc appts, let's see what else I can fit in.
Ok, I'm just rambling now. It's weird having Kelly gone at this hour. I should be hearing him snoring, instead the cat is. Oh well, let's see if I can go to sleep!

Oh, and by the way, Little Miss Sunshine, yes, Wicker Man, yes, Night Caller, yes, Beerfest, a big fat NOOOOOO. Sorry number one fan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If saying makes it so, then wouldn't he had gotten and Xbox 360 by now?