Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Doc visit

Had my visit today and it went well. The bug I was exposed to is no big deal, nothing to worry about. Whew! My PFT's were the same as before the big "event". Actually a little better. I knew they had to have scraped out some gunk while they had me on the vent. I'm still on IV's for another week, I'm still supposed to gain weight, and I'm still supposed to take it slow. I don't know about that...there is so much to do!

Kelly and I walked around Ontario Mills today. As you may or may not know it is 2/3 mile around. I could walk it just fine. Walking and talking however...not so good. So Kelly got to hear silence for a while! But I felt fine during and after. That could be because after the doc's I came home and slept for almost 2 hours. I just can't get up that early, blah.

Tomorrow, we are going to stop being lazy here. Kelly doesn't know that yet, heeee heee.
But he will! There are chores to be done. Yep Jeri is right, I've always been the cleaning girl. But I've been slacking and it's time to get back in gear! I know my hunny will be so happy. :0

K, that's all, off to do more IV's!


Anonymous said...

So glad the doctor's appt. brought good news. Glad to see you're blogging regularly again. Milk it. I say "Milk it." He's on vacation and there to help you. Can't wait to see the entry detailing EVERYTHING you had him do. Lol
Love ya. Cambria

Anonymous said...

Good news, seeing your "doctor's report" this morning! Walking miles at the mall, cleaning and other chores ???... Easy, girl, easy now! How about a little compromise, with Kelly sweetly ("Sweetenly"?!) doing the cleaning and chores, and you can do 'em vicariously through him?? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to show his love in this way. ;o)

Hope you have a wonderful day today.

xoxo, Kim

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
Great news, you're feeling so good and being able to walk that far. Hope Kelly's getting the hang of housework! Know he'll grow to love it like Don does!! Ha-ha! Don cleaned the whole house for my chick-flick movie crowd so I could decorate and do the cute stuff. I used to be a "clean-o-holic," too, but discovered it just wasn't that important anymore (just about the time my eyesight started to go!). You two just enjoy this extended "vacation" together -- the heck with the housework!
Cousin Merle