Friday, August 04, 2006

chatty cathy

I'm just being miss chatty cathy this week aren't I? Tonite it is because I just wanted to tell you what cool thing happened. My sister and I went out to dinner tonite at the Montclair mall. We were going to go to Olive Garden but it was packed with many people waiting outside. So we looked at Red Lobster, same thing. So we decided on Chili's. The parking lot was packed, but the waiting area wasn't. So Lynn dropped me off so I didn't have to walk far and she went to park the car. Well I went in the door and realized immediately it was some side door, not the front door to the place. There were two uniformed people sitting there which at first I thought were security. I asked them where the front of the building was and the guy said, "Hey weren't we just out at your place a couple of weeks ago?" Ok, hear brain clicking in, firetruck in the parking lot... not security. I said, if you were in Upland with a person covered in blood and not breathing, yep it was me. But I don't remember anything. And it was him. It was so cool to be able to meet one of the guys that came to help me and to say thank you so very much. I told him I was so happy they didn't let me die! We talked a bit about CF, he had questions and wanted to know why I was bleeding. He has a friend with a child with CF. I teased him and said "and you ask if I had a DNR" He said they have to ask, and I said, no that's when you know it's bad, you don't ask people with a broken leg if they have a DNR. He laughed. I wish I could have met the entire team, but it is nice to put a face to at least one empty memory. They were amazed I was out and about especially when he realized it was just two weeks from tonite that they had been called.

The big coincidence is that he is Upland Fire and I live in Upland. This restaurant is in Montclair. He said he was just helping out in Montclair today. If he hadn't been helping out outside his usual city and we didn't feel like waiting at Olive Garden or Red Lobster, then we would have never run into each other. Now that's cool!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful coincidence, running into one of your angels in uniform! (And for him, too!) This is a great story. :o)

Hope you and Lynn continued to have a wonderful evening out together. Two weeks ago, to imagine where you are now ... Amazing and miraculous! (But then, that's YOU!)

xoxo from your awed (odd?) cousin,

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
I'm reading this late at night, of course. Was just talking about your miraculous recovery with Mary and Gene at dinner tonight and now this wonderful story of your encounter with one of your rescuers. What a thrill for both of you. I'm sure he doesn't know what becomes of the people he helps, so I'm sure he was very happy to see you. Neither of you will forget this by chance meeting up, will you?
Take care, Merle

Bonnie said...

I live in a small town and know some of the fireman (I went to school with them). My fiance is an EMT/volunteer firefighter in the next town so he knows almost all of the EMT's. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. But I know that it always makes a person happy knowing that what they did actually does help a person.

In the line of firefighting, they see some awful things that they can not erase from there memory. They are trained to assess the situation and I know he probably had his own personal assessment about you. So knowing that they helped even just one person makes the job worth while!

I don't think it was coincedence that you ran into the fireman, it was God's will!

Anonymous said...

What an awe inspiring story. I love when things like that happen. You definitely made an impact on him. I doubt he can remember every person he helps... Thanks so much for sharing it. You are "Ms. Chatty" this week, but it's great to know you have that kind of energy going on. It's a sign that things are looking up. :)
Love ya. Cambria

Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity to meet the guys who helped you when you needed them most! Most people don't get the chance and I know from Dennis' experiences rescuing people in the mountains that they really do appreciate the thanks they get and they love to see the people they have helped up and doing well. I am sorry i couldn't help with the nail appt. but i know Diane was glad to see you, she was worried about you. Hope you got the sparkly for your fingers, it's the best!!!
See you soon, take care and call Molly Maids!!!!