Thursday, July 13, 2006

My doctor visit

Tuesday was my doctor visit to see the GI doc. I have been having all kinds of problems, least of all is that I look pregnant! So after meeting with this obnoxious man, who mellowed out at the end of the time, is having me do a total clean out, not fun, and then I have to take a medication to keep me from...well....getting pregnant looking again hopefully, then I have to start taking more enzymes with the other medication. On top of that I have to have a pelvic xray and ultra sound to see if there is anything there that shouldn't be and blood work. Did you know hypothyroidism can cause stomach problems? Well, I already know I have hypothyroidism but I'm on medication for that. Yes I have that too. He is wondering if I'm not on enough.

Then on top of that I have to go on IV's. I had no plans to see a pulmonary doc. I just saw one on Thursday prior. But since I've had all kinds of stuff and am so short of breath he decided to put me on IV's so I'll be good for our trip. I told him I'm also going to take prednisone on the trip. It helps so much I don't care about the side effects. He said that's fine and we discussed doses. I actually have been taking it for two nights now and I feel wonderful. I don't think I need IV's but oh well. I will only take the prednisone for 5 days then go off and will feel like crap again so the IV's will probably be good!

Other than that things are good. I finally finished my bag today. My sister came over last night to show me the last stuff, then I almost finished but of course sewed the bottom up wrong so I had to rip it out. I did that last little bit today. yahoo!!! That only took me how long?
My cousin Kim from Washington is here to see her sister and her dad. She's going to stop by on Friday afternoon, then a bunch of us cousins will have lunch on Saturday at the Olive Garden.

Oh, my arm is a tad ripped up. Only 3 cuts really. We were trying to trim our cat's claws. They're so long. So we got the first cat done but it was way harder than the other times we've done it. She wanted no part of it but we finally got them done admist much howling and yowling. I always wanted to use that word, admist. Anywho, then I went to get the other cat. She usually has no problem with me picking her up and she didn't even like that. On the kitchen counter she had a hissy fit. Kelly could only get one and a half feet of claws trimmed. She just went crazy. Then she tried to jump down and I didn't want her to because she's so old and crickedy I didn't want her to get hurt, so I tried to help her down. Bad idea. So I'm not sure when I got the cuts, but they hurt! I had about 15, but only 3 really bled and are still visible. My gentle kitty is not nice. So, it's off to the vet with her! She won't give them a hard time. Plus she has a sore on her tail, so she needs to go any way.

Otherwise, it's just hot. I'm keeping busy, more busy than I really want to somehow.
Oh, Kelly's friend Cambria came to stay for a night. They got to spend some time together and then she and I did after he went to sleep. I had the doc appt the next day so we didn't get to spend too much time the next day but we went to lunch. I'm so glad she doesn't like the stupid TV shows Kelly does, it was 2 against one. Yahoo! If you're out there Cambria, thanks, heee heee. We hope she'll come again when she and we have more time. Nope, not one of those we wanted her to go away quicker!

Guess that really is it. Kelly's truck is in the shop, again. It's only two years old. Too many problems. So he has my car and I'm stuck. It's too hot to be out and about any way!
Have a good day everyone!


Anonymous said...

Yea, I can't stand stupid shows either. Let me know if you need another Vote and I'll help you out.

Anonymous said...

I think Kelly lies about his truck just so he can take your "Z" to work. You know how those people are that watch stupid TV shows...

Anonymous said...


I guess you never heard the rule about never trying to weigh your cat? The other one is unless you're in a deepsea diving suit, you shouldn't try cutting your cat's toenails, okay? OUCH!! See ya tomorrow at Olive Garden.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

I told ya, Cat's suck! Dog's rule!
Hee hee!