Friday, May 05, 2006

Insurance strikes again

Wow, I was still in a good mood. I am making this my birthday weekend instead of just my birthday on Sunday. I went to have a facial today that I've been wanting to do for some time. My freind Michelle got me a gift certificate for xmas but I haven't been able to use it till now.
So I did that, then went out with Kelly to walk around the mall, took his truck into the shop, went out to eat. Then when we got home I had the mail to open and I got 4 birthday cards. Yahoo.
Then I stupidly opened the envelope from BlueCross/Blue Shield. It was to inform me that the information they were provided has shown no justification for me being in the hospital and that they won't pay the bill. They did pay the $85 portion for education...but have denied the part for the hospitalization. It says I may owe provider a mere $38,000 and some odd dollars. Again, I am so very tired of this. Still haven't gotten the correct test strips, still have one bill in collections, one that is on the way there and one that we haven't answered the phone call for yet.
And, the statement doesn't even have the correct dates on it. How hard is it to get your insurance to do what they are supposed to do? I give up. I told Kelly he needs to divorce me, put the house and the cars in his name only, I'll use only medicare and then just not pay anything and they can't ruin his credit. Think it'll work?


Anonymous said...

No. Sorry not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like Kelly will be working a lot of

Jim S.