Thursday, March 15, 2007

Carol Sweeten 1962 - 2007


Update: 16 March 2007

Viewing will be on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, Family from 4 to 5 P.M. and all others from 5 to 8 P.M. for friends, at Todd Memorial Chapel, 570 North Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA, (909) 622-1217.

Her funeral will be graveside services at Pomona Cemetery 502 E. Franklin Ave. Pomona, CA 91766 at 11 A.M. on Thursday, March 22, 2007.

Kelly has invited everyone back to the family home in Upland, 1362 Darlington Avenue, after the services.

Everyone who wants to attend are welcome to come. Everyone.


Carol died today. I will post more later.
I'm not doing good right now.



Anonymous said...

I have never known anyone who has fought harder or longer to live. Against the greatest odds you kept on living your life to the fullest "one day at a time" with dignity and courage. I will miss you every day, I will miss reading your blog the first thing after I signed onto my computer. Heaven's gain is surley our great loss.

Kelly: you are in our hearts and thoughts and our prayers are with you. Even though everyone says it, it there is any way we can help out, you have our number. We were all blessed to have known Carol and she never stopped telling us how much she loved you and how much you meant to her. Take care of her roses and the cats and carry on her message to find a cure for CF.


Anonymous said...

Godspeed, beloved Cousin. Our hearts are broken, and the light of the world is diminished in your passing.

God Bless, dear Kelly. Our love is with you on this day of days, and for always.

xoxoxo, Kim (WA)

Anonymous said...

I am an e-mail friend of Carol's. She loved you, her husband deeply, and was a ray of sunshine in a troubled world that needs more sunshine. I've always admired Carol. She had a genuine kindness an interest in others that always shone brightly. Such a dear and kindhearted soul. She was a kindred friend, and I shall miss Carol.

Prayers, Love and Hugs,
Mary Elizabeth in Nova Scotia, Canada

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this. So very sorry.

Anonymous said...

Breathe easy now've gone back to your Maker, He who granted you your first breath of air and He who wants to give you that back eternally. May time not let you forget; but rather heal your broken heart Kel. One day at a time...God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Little Cousin I am so glad the cousins were at lunch together on Wed. I wonder what you would have accomplised it you had to been healthy. Love you Little Cousin.

As I have read tonight you know Carol loved you Kelly, you were her other half. It won't be easy for you but you will make it. Love Cousin June

Anonymous said...

Carol, late last night we made plans to go to the movies on Tuesday. Now, I find you have made other plans. I will miss you like the dickens, little cousin, you are so much a part of my daily life. I will miss your blog and our late-night insomniac emails and giggles. May you find peace and comfort and freedom from care, and may you take in full, deep breaths of fresh air.

Kelly, I know you, and you are smart and wise and kind. You will go on with a full life as Carol would have wanted you to do. Anything less would be a waste of your huge potential. Life is out there; grab it as she so wanted to do and would have done had she been able. She told me that is her wish for you. Don't let her down.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

Carol, breathe easy now in heaven. You are a wonderful human being and amazing person to have known, even if it was only online.

Kel and family, bless you all during this difficult time.

Toni 35 fwcf

Anonymous said...

Sandra and I have known Carol for many years in fact she attended our wedding almost 9 years ago. She will be greatly missed!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I only knew Carol through cystic-l, but she was such a tremendous voice of reason when my daughter was being tested for CF. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at such a sad time.

Carol and Roy said...

Dear Carol - You will be missed. I'm so glad Roy and I got to know you. Rest in peace.

Kelly - Roy and I are thinking about you and you are in our thoughts and prayers! If there is anything we can do please call us. We are there for you during this difficult time. Hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly,
I'm so sorry to hear that Carol died. Her blog is in my favorites and every day I looked if she had posted some news. Sometimes I posted a comment and she would always answer me. I will miss here but not near as much as you will miss her. I wish you all the strength and love that you will need for the coming hours, days en years.
For the last time, Groeten uit Holland
Riet (mother of a son, 13 years, with CF)

Unknown said...

My sincerest condolences. I have a three year old daughter named Raven with Cystic Fibrosis and I know our fight has just begun. RIP Carol.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend Kelly....

Carol told me this would be hard for you. She knew it has been hard for you all this time.... I will always love Carol, and I value that we got to be FRIENDS. She was an inspitation to me in so many ways.

God Bless you,
Cheryl & Scott

Anonymous said...

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free;
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard Him call,
I turned my back and I left it all.
I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work, or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that place at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Ah, yes, these things I, too, will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow;
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full; I savored much
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief;
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me
God wanted me now; He set me free.

We laughed with you and cried with you, hoped with you and prayed with you, and now we grieve with you. Carol, you were loved by many and will be missed by all.

Kelly, out thoughts and prays go with you, that you might find strength and peace.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for "The Dash." No one had a "dash" so full of life as Carol. She enjoyed everything, no matter how large or small, from her trips to Europe to going to breakfast at Nancy's. Also, she loved and was loved in return. There is nothing better than that.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

Carol is the most inspiring person I have ever met. I feel lucky, privileged, humbled, to have had a chance to know her. She touched many lives, and I'm glad mine was one of them.

Kelly, I don't know how I can possibly help you at a time like this, but I will be there, waiting for my chance to return the strength, hope, caring, and friendship both you and Carol have given me.


Anonymous said...

Candice said...
Dear Family of Carol...
Some of you might know me... I am Donna's Best Friend in the whole world...
I am so sorry to hear about Carol..
But I do think the way she went she wouldn't have wanted it any other way... like prolonged on tubes, etc.
Carol was amazing... she did more things than most healthly people do and she had more drive.
So all of you keep Carol alive in your heart...because I know I will!!!

6:49 PM

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I am 47 with CF. It is a wicked, terrible disease. Now at least she can breathe easily. RIP Carol.
My condolences Kelly.

Cindy Lou

Ashli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashli said...

My name is Ashli. I have PCD, [ a condition similar to CF ]

I feel absolutely terrible for your loss and I hope you and your family are doing okay.

I know your probably not but, hold on. Please. I'm so sorry for whats happend.

Your wife is beautiful, and she will live on.

God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss.

Bonnie said...

I have only known Carol through her blog and will miss her. But I know she is up in heaven running through the streets without worry of coughing or shortness of breath. I will miss her. Another angel lost to this terrible disease.

God bless you Kelly and our prayers go out to you and your family in this sad sad time.
Love, Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know many people are praying for you during this difficult time. I have a 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter with CF. RIP Carol. God Be with you Kelly. Prayers Always....
MrsRad (From Alabama)

Debbie said...

I met Carol through Cystic-L, then we followed each other's blogs and we even talked on the phone a few times. We crossed paths when we were both going through similar things. We enjoyed talking to each other because we understood each other. I am so saddened to hear about her death. She was such a vibrant woman and she had a great laugh! Kelly I hope you and Carol's family find some solace in all the inspiration you see that Carol gave to others.
She was amazing.
But you knew that :-)
Debbie Ajini

Anonymous said...

I am just sitting at my desk thinking about all the old times at Mervyn's and the dance clubs back in the 80"s, to my wedding just 6 months ago and how you have always been there, somewhere in my life. You gave me one of the greatest gifts of all, my very best friend Michele and I will always be eternally grateful for that. My heart is broken that you wont be able to physically share in more of my life here on earth, but I know that you are one who always keeps tabs on your friends, so I expect you to be looking down on me from Heaven.

Thank you for always being there for Carol. She loved you in a way that all people should be loved and all people should have the capacity to love. It is one of her truely wonderful gifts that she leaves behind.


Unknown said...

I can see her smile, hear her laughter, I remember when Carol met Kelly. As many are, I am lost for words. I just know that Carol's laughter will go on, Carol's smile is shining down on everyone. My prayers are with you all. May Carol's fight for CF go on, and those words she spoke be strong.
Kelly, It's been a long time, only you know that there are those friends that are always friends,
Love Ya, Ojaipeg

Beverly said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I had bookmarked your blog and had stopped from time to time, but coming by today, I was so shocked.

I'm a grandmother to a 7 month old baby with CF. My heart hurts for you. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend Kelly,

My heart is aching for your tremendous loss. What a beautiful service yesterday. Thank you for your friendship, love, and choice of partner- in- life. She is an angel, and has taught me so much deep love and compassion to my self centered life. I will keep you in my prayers, as I always do.

Anonymous said...

Kelly this is Kofie, Carols cousin, I'm sorry its hard to write I just this minute read that Carol died. Idon't check my mail very often because I don't have a computer. I have to do it at my boyfriends house. I dont know what to say all I can do right now is cry. Please e-mail me or call me at 9099211470 and let me know when we can talk. I just can't believe this happened. Kofie

Anonymous said...

March 15, 2008 ~ On this one year anniversary of your transcendence, the word "anniversary" seems too festive ... And yet, I do imagine that you are aswirl in festivities of ethereal nature, and that your soul and spirit are blissful and free. You deserve that! We miss your physical presence mightily; but trust that you are always with us; just in a changed and mysterious form. We love you, dear one ~ Always have and always will, forevermore. Your life was and is a testament to the playfulness of the spirit, and the richness of the soul. With continued wishes for your peace, love, joy and freedom, forevermore, Cousin Kim