Monday, February 12, 2007

trying to stay awake

So, not so many people are looking at my blog it seems, so I guess it is ok if I write just random thoughts!
I have to do IV's at 11 to 12:30 or so and I'm really tired now so I thought writing would help keep me awake. I have been feeling so poorly since starting IV's. I am itching terribly, my head is pounding and I think it might explode, my muscles ache like the flu, I can't keep any food in me, and I feel like I'm going to pass out every time I walk around. By walk around I mean down the hall way. So I'm hating life right now.

My friend Cheryl went to the grocery store for me today. I was originally going to ask her to go with me but today I didn't think I could make it walking around the store. So she went for me. It helped so much. I ate a bowl of chicken noodle soup and felt ok enough to stand up to take a shower. I'm sure the kitties and Kelly are glad about that!

So, people who read my blog a lot might remember a post I wrote about Kelly's job and his uber stupid mean bosses....and then that blog was gone? Well, I was politely asked to remove it as someone at his work read it and then took it to the bosses. Fine. I didn't care as Kelly was looking for a new job any way and everything I said was true, but I did as requested. Well, Kelly has been at his new job since December. He likes it so very much. He likes the people, he likes how they are direct with what they want and even trust Kelly to do his job. He isn't micro managed, back stabbed and harassed. And then, like someone coming to you out of the grave, he gets a review from his old boss. It wasn't asked for, it isn't needed (they have another system where he works now) and it is a moot point. But his boss sent a review and said they had to have it back right away. It is so full of what I call slander it is ridiculous. Every statement about Kelly ends with a dig such as he can do such and such, but he shouldn't be taken by surprise. What does that mean? He can't handle surprises? He let's the job go until he's surprises with the mess? Either way, it is just stupid. It said he shouldn't make commitments as he can't honor them. Excuse me, are we back to me almost dying and him taking time off of work? It went on and on with things that are just lies. It even says he was given one person to do something and that person quit....implying that it was all Kelly's fault for someone finding a better job? Then he was dinged on not finishing a project and writing all the procedures when in fact he was "given" the new job and no training what so ever only a few weeks before he left. With all the crap he was given did they think he would just work from or after his new job (the real new one where he's at now) to finish something they never taught him to do any how? I know I'm rambling but it is just stupid. So he wrote a comment back that he didn't think this review was accurate, that no one is available 24/7 (oh, that was one of the criticisms, they said he should have been available 24/7 and no one could reach him...what, they had his pager, his cell, his home #. How come when I called I could always reach him at his desk?) and that was true when he was out of the office due to the illness of his wife, that it wasn't his fault if someone quit and he was without support of management when he was there, so how could he perform his job to any standard let alone get improvements made? These are my words but that is the gist of it.

He let his current boss read the full evaluation and his boss said he also received something else, but hasn't told Kelly what it is or what it says. It's like they can't stand that he has moved on and is doing well. The current bosses don't care at all what it says. They have told Kelly that sometimes you just end up working with someone who is intimidated by your skills or is just a jerk and they treat you badly. All they have seen from Kelly is good work and they are thrilled to have him. They said that he has done even more than they hoped for when they hired him.
So there :D old bosses. You are out, you can't hurt Kelly any more. In fact we are finding out that there is a work benefit for time off for medical or family medical, that can be figured out before any emergency comes up, and then you have, I forget how many days you can take off a year, but there are no repercussions from it. Funny how the other job never told him about this. He has also been told how they demoted him without any warnings or being written up, is totally not allowed. That the HR person should have stepped in. Kelly let them know that there is no HR where he came from. And the things his first boss said to him when he got the promotion...could have been reason for that person to be written up... I don't know but it was not ok and would never happen at a true facility where there were people to monitor these people and their behavior.

So we're happy, Kelly is happy and he just keeps on doing is job and helping everyone he can!

Next...I got turned into collections again. Are you ready for this, it is for the huge amount of ...da da da da....$35.00 I am so sick of this. I called and again, they didn't bill medicare. And the letter says that CHOC has a new system and may never have even billed you for this....

So they don't bill you they just turn you in to collections? Is that legal? I'm not paying though, I'm making them do their job and bill medicare. It would be easy to pay and make it go away, but it's the principle. I hate these people. And I continue to get a letter a day, even thought I've talked to them. I talked to my other insurance about another matter because they have not been paying bills. I was told it is all taken care of...but today all the statements came again and nope, they still aren't paid. They are not going to be happy when I call tomorrow, because I feel like crap, and if I have to use my limited energy on them they are going to hear it!

So that's it at the Sweeten household. I didn't go to school tonite and we watched Lost and 24 (tivo'ed). Kelly is sleeping and I'm itching. You should see me in between sentences! itch itch itch.
Well, guess that took a little time, now I'll go watch General Hospital. There's a hostage situation you know? Robin has been shot, Sonny beaten up and Elizabeth is in labor...what's next?


Anonymous said...

Holy horse feathers, Carol! Can't those people at the other facility let go of Kelly. Glad he's happy at the new place and doing well.

As for you, it doesn't sound like you are doing all that well as far as stamina goes. Rest more and let Kelly do the grocery shopping. Still waiting to hear what the docs have to say about your bleeding episodes.

See you at cousins' lunch tomorrow and, hopefully, movies next day.

Cousin Merle

Bonnie said...

I also hate insurance companies they are all stupid!!!

I have to tell you when I'm on IV's and start itching like you are I'm allergic to the meds or something. You might want to contact your Doc and ask them about it.

However, Keep your chin up at least it's not 5 degree's where your at. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol
The information you are looking for about leave when a family member is sick is the FMLA act (Family Medical Leave Act) tell Kelly to talk to the HR person about signing up and he will be covered in the event that he has to be out again if you are in the hospital. Hope your Valentine's Day was nice and non-itchy. I hope you made it to the Cousin's Lunch- I sent the "Lost Christmas Pictures" with my Mom for you.