Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ok, real letters

Did you like the previous post? I just had to do it. Who knew there were letters like that? If anyone can figure it out you get the prize!! Yes it really says something.:)

Ok, so today I woke up and decided I'd take charge of the situation. I will not be the scaredy girl. I feel great, back to normal. Maybe I had a virus that messed up my already precarious veins. Anyway, I've picked up the house, vacuumed, did two loads of laundry, email, bills, filing, went to CVS and the grocery store, unloaded and put away groceries and now I'm resting a bit.

I'm wearing my dorky, I've fallen down but I can't get up necklace. I'm doing extra breathing treatments and I will not bleed again! Guess that is a little contradictory, if I really believed that I wouldn't wear the necklace! But I figure anything that will make my head feel better is good. So I've decided that dorky is the in thing...don't you wish you were as cool as I am? heee heee. Ok, so you can run and I can't....tough, I have the stomach muscles of ...well, ....of a CF person who coughs a lot.

Now I'm off to go read for a while before hunny gets home. He had to work today. Was supposed to yesterday, but he stayed with me while we were both on pins and needles. Dinner, hmmm, what for dinner? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Personally, dinner out ANYWHERE sounds good to me!

So glad your spirits and outlook have undergone a shift -- Dorky is definitely the new cool! Gettin' jiggy wi it, girlfriend!

xoxo, Kim

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Outback! MMMMM steak....


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are doing some positive thinking! Just start your own fashion trend with your hip, ultra cool necklace and others will wish they were so chic!
Keep up the good spirits and the good work!!!! Get your cats to clean the bathroom for you.
PS: did we get shoes yet??????